What About Osteopathy for Pregnancy ?

A Black Pregnant Person Walks between a tree and some green leaves wearing a sarong and a crochet bikini top. She has curly hair and is looking at the ground.

What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy takes a whole-body approach to health with a focus on how parts of the body move together and the impact on a person’s quality of life when this is not the case. Osteopaths focus on how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, connective tissue and internal organs all function as a whole to promote movement, health and well-being.

Should I see an Osteopath when pregnant?

In short - yes!

Pregnant Person Receiving Osteopathy

How can Osteopathy help with my pregnancy?

Osteopathy during pregnancy can be beneficial to help expectant people adjust to the continual changes their body will undergo as the foetus develops. In conjunction with a doctor, midwife or specialist we can support you to manage pregnancy related pain. Our aim is to get expectant birthing people to move well and manage their pregnancy related aches and pain.

Osteopaths see people during pregnancy for many conditions including:

- Lower back pain
- Pelvic girdle pain – sacro-iliac joint (SIJ) and public bone pain
- Pelvic pain
- Headaches and migraines
- TMJ disorders or jaw pain
- Neck, shoulder and mid back pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Hip pain
- Knee pain
- Sleep related discomfort

What to expect on your first visit

An initial consultation for people expecting a baby involves taking a comprehensive medical history, thorough assessment and treatment where appropriate. Our aim is to identify and address any triggers to your pain in your nerves, muscles, joints and soft tissues. Our osteopaths incorporate a variety of gentle manual therapy techniques, pain education, home exercises, stress management and lifestyle advice.

Who to see?

We have two wonderful and talented Osteopathy Practitioners here are Ideal Therapy in Brunswick West, Dr. Rachel Longchar is currently accepting pregnant people for pre- and post-natal care.

Dr. Rachel Longchar

MA Public Health
BHSc/BAppSc (Osteopathy)
BSc (Biochemistry)
Cert. Dry Needling and Cupping

Ideal Physiotherapy

Email: idealphysio@gmail.com

Facebook: idealphysiobrunswickwest

Instagram: @ideal_physiotherapy

Physiotherapy - Reformer Pilates - Clinical Pilates - 1on1 Pilates - Pre&Post Natal Pilates - Osteopathy - Sports Therapy - Bike Fit - Remedial Massage - Dry Needling


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