What are you putting in your body?

It seems like there is so much information out there about what is and isn't good for your body. Buzz words are thrown around and it's hard to know what it all really means. 


That's why we've created this handy guide to work it all out. See bellow: 


Gluten & Living Gluten Free


Gluten is a protein found in grains, especially wheat, barley, oat and rye. In people with coeliac disease, even small amount of gluten in diet can lead to malnutrition. This is due to damage in the lining of intestine that plays an important role in absorbing nutrients from food.


Coeliac disease can lead to long-term health complication if left untreated. Gluten-free diet is necessary to continue for life and we highly recommend you to check with your doctor or dietitian for specific food advises. 


Tips for living Gluten-free life:

  1. Read ingredient labels before purchasing

  2. Remember “Wheat free” does not mean ‘Gluten free”

Wheat-free products can also contain barley, rye or spelt

  1. Avoid coming into contact with Gluten-containing products such as lipsticks, postage stamps, play dough



Vitamin B12 (Cyano-cobalamin)


Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that human body cannot produce on its own. We mainly acquire it from eating animal products. Vegetarians ultimately obtain Vitamin B12 through microbial contamination food. In absorption of Vitamin B12, the stomach needed a protein called intrinsic factor. If the body does not produce sufficient intrinsic factor this may cause Vitamin B12 deficiency.  This is common in older people and is usually associated with autoimmune disease called pernicious anemia.


Recommended daily Vitamin B12 intake:

            Infants: 0.3-0.7 mg

            Children: 1.0-2.0mg

            Adult men: 2.0 mg

            Adult women: 2.0mg

            Pregnancy: 3.0mg

            Lactation: 3.5mg




Potassium is a mineral and electrolyte that required for normal body function. It helps in transmission of nerve impulses and muscle function as well as carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Potassium is present in most food and drink hence it is less likely to have potassium deficiency. However when there is excessive urination or prolonged vomiting and diarrhea deficiency can occur.

You have low potassium levels if you feel:

  • Weak and tired

  • Get muscle cramps

  • Constipation


Arrhythmia is the most concerning problem when someone has very low potassium levels.

When there is increase in potassium that will affect the blood pressure. If you have high levels of potassium you can feel:

  • Weak and tired

  • Nauseous

  • Abnormal heart rhythm




Iron is a mineral that helps to transport oxygen in the hemoglobin of red blood cells throughout the body.  Iron deficiency commonly occurs in infancy, puberty, pregnancy and nutrient deficiency. Research found that blood loss and Gastro-intestinal disorders also lead to deficiency. When you have low iron level this can cause anemia. Here are the 7 signs you may have an iron deficiency:

  1. Fatigue and exhaustion

  2. Frequent infection

  3. Pale skin

  4. Swollen tongue

  5. Restless legs syndrome

  6. Pica

  7. Hair loss

If you are experiencing any few of the above symptoms or think you may be iron deficiency, find ways to include more iron rich food in diet or supplements.




Zinc is essential to support the immune system fighting off invading viruses or bacteria, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, wound healing, growth, vision and many more different functions.

Although zinc can be found in most food, sometimes is not utilized by the body efficiently. Alcoholics are at greater risk of developing zinc deficiency due to inadequate diet and frequent urination. Zinc deficiency can lead to complication of health, retarded growth, delayed wound healing, loss of taste sensation and dermatitis.

The dietary requirement for zinc in:

            Infants: 3-6mg

            Children: 4.5-18mg

            Adults: 12-16mg

            Pregnancy: 16-21mg

            Lactation: 18-22mg






Our bodies require Iodine to form regulatory hormones produced by thyroid gland. These hormones are important to regulate body’s metabolic rate. Iron deficiency can cause disorders such as Goiter.

Goiter is also referred to “ Swollen neck”. Thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland that is located in front of neck. It produces thyroid hormones upon receiving information from thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). When the body has deficiency of Iodine, the thyroid gland works harder to produce. Hence causes the cells to grow leading to Goiter.  


Iodine deficiency disorder can be prevented with nutritious diet. The recommended daily intake for:

Infant: 50-60mg

Children: 70-150mg

Adult men: 150mg

Adult women: 120mg

Pregnancy: 150mg

Lactation: 200mg





Manganese is an essential nutrient that helps to form enzymes for body metabolism and involves in bone formation. Manganese deficiency can lead to abnormal bone growth, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD), Anemia, weight loss and premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

The safe range of intake for adults is 2500to 5000micrograms per day. Please consult the doctor before giving manganese to children.




Selenium is a mineral found in the soil and our bodies only need a very small amount. Selenium has antioxidant properties and forms part of an important body enzyme that helps to breakdown fats or lipids. Selenium deficiency is uncommon however can be found in population with conditions like HIV, Keshan disease and Crohn’s disease. 

The recommended dietary allowance for adults is 400 micrograms per day. 


Still have some questions? Contact a health professional today for more info!


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