Back Pain, Poor Posture & Pelvic Floor Problems...

The three symptoms that are ever-so common for women who give birth...

Back pain, poor posture and issues with the pelvic floor are signs of Diastasis Recti- also known as abdominal separation. 

Diastatis Recti (also known as abdominal separation) is commonly defined as a gap of the rectus abdominis muscle. This muscle covers the front part of your torso. The job of these muscles is to support your back, organs and torso which helps keep you upright.

But why should you care if your muscles are separated? 

Separated muscles are weak muscles! During pregnancy these muscles need to separate to make room for your growing baby. However, this separation makes the tissue thinner and weaker.

When it comes to healing the connective tissues, this is done by bringing blood flow to the area, improving your posture & teaching the muscles how to activate again. This way you don’t develop any additional pelvic floor, back or neck pain.

This is where a physiotherapist comes in!

Physiotherapists work to tighten back up your muscles, help the pelvic floor take the pressure off your pelvic organs and check on your posture and breathing. 

It is recommended to give 9-18 months to strengthen after birth - pregnancy has taken a toll on your body so give it some TLC! Pilates as part of your weekly rehab will teach your body how it needs to move again in the right way and safe way.

Don't let it get any worse- get it sorted today!


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