Online Pilates Classes - A Great way to Restore and Strengthen your body! 

Online Pilates classes are a great way during this lockdown period to stay in shape and keep fit!

Pilates is a great way to improve muscle tone, improve strength, flexibility and improve your posture. 

Pilates training is centred around core stability, focussing more on deep foundation muscles rather than big global muscles. That is not to neglect the global muscles, however, begin with the deep muscles first and learning how to control and strengthen them. 

Think about building a house. You need a solid foundation first! 

Our Pilates classes here at Ideal Physiotherapy are run by our qualified physiotherapists who have completed further study in clinical Pilates. We also have our yoga instructor for those who prefer yoga training. 

We have several classes to suit your needs. 


If you are looking for more fitness-based classes our Mat Pilates classes are available often focussing on full body strength, balance, upper mobility and flexibility. These classes are for both beginner and intermediate level Pilates. The instructor will often give levels and modifications if an exercise may be too challenging. 


If you’re wanting a challenging class to get those glutes, legs and core burning, then the Glutes, Legs and Core class is again another fitness-based class for those who want a challenge. Again, if the instructor can see an exercise may be too challenging for some, modifications will be made to suit. 


If you feel you need to focus on more upper body strength, our Perfect Pilates Arms class is purely what this class is! The whole session of focussed on strengthening, toning and sculpting those arms. All you need are a set of light weights and or a resistance band and you are on your way to toned and stronger arms!


For our desk workers who are currently working from home, the Pilates for Posture class would be great for you! This class features many exercises that improve upper back mobility and upper back strength aiming to give you a better posture. 


For our newbies to Pilates or for those who have been involved in our clinical Pilates program our Clinical Pilates classes would be best for you. These classes entail gentle exercises that are back to the basics of Pilates. These classes focus on learning how to engage your core, improving your lumbopelvic control, improve your upper back mobility and strength as well working through your flexibility. 


If you are needing to stretch out and release tension throughout your whole body, our Foam Roller Class or Stretch classes are more focussed on improving your body’s mobility. These classes will leave you feeling stretched + rolled out from head to toe feeling much more relaxed. 


Our yoga classes run weekly with Chiara. Yoga encourages you to move more slowly through each movement and pose. It incorporates breathing techniques like Pilates with each yoga pose to stretch, strengthen and improve your flexibility. Yoga also encourages you to calm your mind through each exercise. 

Hopefully with this information we will see you hitting the mat with our team! See you there!


Good Standing Posture


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