Good Standing Posture

Our standing posture plays an important role in the way we feel, both physically psychologically. Incorrect posture places excessive strain and tension on our muscles and can often be a major contributor to back and neck problems.

Having ideal posture helps keep our bones and joints correctly aligned, which allows our supporting muscles and ligaments to be used properly. Less wear and tear on these muscles and ligaments enables us to live better, feel better and move better.

For ideal posture, the following should be in a straight line:

  • Ear

  • Tip of shoulder

  • Hip joint

  • Middle of knee

  • Ankle bone

Tips for correct standing posture:

  • Imagine a string attached to the top of your head, pulling you upwards

  • Stand with 80% of your weight through your heels and 20% through the outside of your feet and big toes.

  • Feet should be shoulder width apart

  • Avoid locking your knees

  • Keep your shoulders back, don’t let them slump forward

  • Hold your head up straight with your chin tucked in


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